Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. Abraham Lincoln In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it. John F. Kennedy *** The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. John F. Kennedy, speech at Vanderbilt University, May 18, 1963 ***
Olivia Marcov's Pages
- Blogul Oliviei Maria Marcov2 (al doilea blog al meu)
- Blogul Oliviei Maria (Nicolae) Marcov:
- Mission Witness. Father Michael Shields of the Heart of Jesus, Magadan, Russia, Alaska, USA
- Mission to Magadan, Father Michael Shields of the Heart of Jesus, Russia, Alaska
- My French Catholic School "Doctrine Chrétienne" Constantine Algeria 1972-1976
- A catholic Bible study, Catholic Parish of the Nativity of Jesus, Magadan, Russia
- Muzee franceze. At the Museum, Paris, 1991. Paintings and sculptures
- Olivia Maria Marcov,my brother Silviu Marcov,father Nicolae, mother Magdalena Marcov, my grandfather Alexei Marcov (I added photos)
- Olivia Maria Marcov & Laura-Adriana, facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Spiru Haret, str.Ion Ghica 13, sector 3, Bucharest Romania ( I added photos )
- Icons/Icoane/Icônes/ Rozarii/ Rosaries/Rosaires
- Recommendation (Caracterizare) Olivia-Maria Marcov, from judge Tiberius Bãrbãcioru, lawyer member of the Bucharest Bar, from Jean-Paul Foinant
- Cainele Mitologic/ My mythological dog
- NEW My letters from My Sister Dominique, my school-teacher from my French Catholic School “Doctrine Chrétienne” ( 1972 - 1976 ), Constantine, Algeria, the correspondence from 1990 and 1991, Bucharest, Romania
- Olivia Maria Marcov's Work-Book, Cartea mea de muncã, Mon contrat de jumelage(twinning) Phare
- The Rosary, Magadan Catholic
- How to pray the Rosary, MagadanCatholic
- A Catholic Bible Study, Fr Michael Shields of The ...
- Father Michael Shields We are broken
- Jesus’words to Catherine of Siena: I Am Who I Am
- Botez, Baptême Olivia Maria Marcov. Ma Fiche médicale d'enfant dr.Valentin Manu
- Olivia Marcov, France janvier/février, juin/juille...
Arjen Dijksman, Ieronim Mihaila, Olivia Maria Marcov, JB Deloly 20 iulie 2012

Olivia Maria Marcov Andrei Dobrescu Mihaela Roibu colegii cl 12 V Balcescu, Martie 2007 Bucharest
Coasta Marii Mediterane Petrutu Aurora Petru Craciunas 1976

Pensionnat Mission RDC Constantine Algeria 1972 1976

Fr Michael Shields and Bronislava s rosary made of bread and ash Sept 2014 Alaska

Olivia Maria Marcov si colega mea Laura Adriana Agurida 2008 Crangasi Romania

Fr Michael Shields & Alexander, Mission to Magadan 29 iulie 2013

Father Michael Shields of the Heart of Jesus Palm Sunday April 14 2014

Olivia Maria Marcov and Adriana Mihaela Agurida fiica Laurei Agurida 1 Iulie 2008 Bucharest Romania
Olivia Maria Marcov and Laura Adriana Agurida December 2007 Bucharest Ion Ghica 13, sector 3 USH

Laura-Adriana Agurida and Adriana-Mihaela Agurida her daughter July 2008 Bucharest Romania Crangasi

Ecole RDC Algerie Constantine La Chapelle 1972 1976

Fr Michael Shields, the Sisters,Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Magadan, Russia, ian 2014

Fr Michael Shields and Maxim, Skt-Petersburg, 20 oct.2013, TVCultureNational

Biserica Nasterea Domnului Isus din Magadan Rusia

Fr Michael Shields and the Sisters and the prayers February 26, 2014 Magadan

Fr Michael Shields and the little bear and Sister Nadia February 26 2014 Magadan

Fr Michael Shields Fr Patrick and the puppy March 4 2014

Father Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus March 28 2014 Magadan Russia

Tweet from Pope Francis April 10 2014 FB Le Jour du Seigneur 10:56 am

Father Michael Shields of the Heart of Jesus Holy Bible Pope Francis May 22 2014

Mission to Magadan Fr Michael Shields Easter 2014 May 9 2014 Russia

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus & Galia Church of the Nativity of Jesus, August 23 2014

Our Lady of Magadan, pray for us ! July 16, 2014 Mission to Magadan

Fr Michael Shields of the Heart of Jesus and The Angel August 31 2014 Magadan Russia

Ecole Catholique Doctrine Chretienne Certificat de Scolarite Olivia Maria Marcov 1976 Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov Carnet note Scoala Catolica Constantine 1972 1976

Olivia Maria Marcov Corina Resl Sr Dominique Suzanne Renee July 1976 Constantine Catholique RDC

Fr Michael Shields February 2 2014 Feast Day of Our Lord

Fr Michael Shields August 2014 St Andrew Church Eagle River AK

Fr Michael Shields ' Bible Bronislava's rosary Sept 2014 Anchorage USA

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marco v, Irina Craciunas, January 1, 1983, Bucharest, Drumul Taberei sector 6

Olivia Maria and Silviu Marcov, Moghioros Park in 1980 Drumul Taberei Bucharest

Olivia Maria Marcov August 2006 Sorin Tilie Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov August 2006 Sorin Tilie Bucharest Romania

Mission to Magadan October 29 2014

Fr Michael Shields and The Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa Sept 12 2013

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus Mission to Magadan E News Oct 2014


Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus January 1 2015 Magadan

Fr Michael Shields Adoration in Poustinia Magadan

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus January 1 2015 Magadan

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus May 11 2015 Magadan

Sr Barbara Hoja Sr Mariana Agalarowa Magadan Russia 9 Iulie 2015

Heaven Vladimir Mother of God Church Arkhanghelsk XIX c Russia

Ekaterina Anton Daineko Angel in the Church painted by Anton



Olivia Maria Marcov 5 Ianuarie 2016 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov 5 Ianuarie 2016 Bucharest Romania


Jesus Christ The Holy of Jesus

Dr psy Andrei et Lavinia Dobrescu Balcescu 1986 Romania
Dr psy Andrei Dobrescu Balcescu 86 Bucharest Romania Reunion France

Olivia Marcov 31 janvier 1976 CONSTANTINE ALGERIA

Olivia Marcov Bogdan Buzoianu 31 Janvier 1976 CONSTANTINE ALGERIE

Virgin of Fatima La Vierge Marie de Fatima Constantine Algerie 1972 1976


Profesor fizica Ion MANEA Olivia Marcov 1986 cl 12 V Liceul N Balcescu COLEGIUL SF SAVA Bucuresti

Olivia Maria Marcov Ecole Grale 169 classe VIII-H, Juin 1982, Bucarest, Roumanie

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 la classe 12 V Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 la classe 12 V Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 la classe 12 V Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Notification le 17 novembre 2016

La Naissance du Petit Jésus


sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2014
miercuri, 24 decembrie 2014
Acatistul Nasterii Domnului : 25 decembrie
Acatistul Nasterii Domnului :
25 decembrie
Condacul 1:
Cela ce din
veci Te-ai nascut din Tatal si la plinirea vremii Te-ai intrupat de la Duhul
Sfant si Te-ai nascut cu trup din Sfanta Fecioara Maria ca sa ne mantuiesti din
robia pacatului, pace lumii Tale daruieste si ne izbaveste pe noi de toate
ispitele si necazurile, ca sa cantam Tie cu usurinta asa: Iisuse, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut,
Icosul 1:
Ingerii din
cer mirandu-se, ziceau: Cum Te va incapea pe Tine, Cela ce esti necuprins, cum
Te va hrani cu lapte pe Tine Fecioara, Cela ce esti hranitorul tuturor. Iar noi
de o taina ca aceasta minunand-ne, cantam Tie :
Iisuse, Cela
ce din pestera Te-ai nascut, da-ne noua har sa ne nastem spre viata de veci.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prunc Te-ai facut, da-ne noua nevinovatia pruncilor.
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu lapte Te-ai hranit, hraneste-ne si pe noi cu bunatatile Tale cele
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu scutece Te-ai infasat, dezleaga-ne si pe noi de blestemul pacatului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce in brate Te-ai purtat, scoate-ne pe noi din ghearele diavolului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce de stea ai fost aratat, fa sa straluceasca si peste noi lumina dumnezeirii
Soarele Dreptatii, scoate-ne din intunericul pacatului.
Pastorul cel bun, cauta-ma pe mine, oaia cea ratacita.
Iisuse, Cela
ce din cer Te-ai pogorat, smerindu-Te pentru mine, da-mi si mie smerenie ca sa
ma inalt la cer.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai luat chipul robului, scoate-ma din robia pacatului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai venit sa mantuiesti lumea, mantuieste-ma pe mine, dintre toti cel mai
Iisuse, Fiul lui
Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 2:
Iata vine
Hristos, pe cel viclean sa-l sfarme, pe cei din intuneric sa-i lumineze si sa-i
dezlege pe cei legati de pacate, Caruia, cu ingerii intampinandu-L, sa-I
strigam: Aliluia!
Icosul 2:
Cu suflete
curate, cu buze nespurcate, cu inima smerita, veniti sa ma-rim pe Hristos,
Mantuitorul nostru, care Se naste cu trup pentru mantuirea noastra, strigand:
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe pamant Te-ai pogorat, inalta-ne pe noi la cer.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai luat trup ca al nostru, scapa-ne pe noi de patimile trupesti.
Iisuse, Cela
ce esti Domnul Pacii, da-ne noua, celor invrajbiti, pacea Ta.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai fost laudat de toata faptura cea necuvantatoare, da-ne noua, celor
necuvantatori, sa Te laudam neincetat.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe pastori, prin ingeri, i-ai chemat la Tine, chema-ma si pe mine, smeritul.
Iisuse, Cela
ce darurile magilor le-ai primit, primeste si rugaciunile noastre, pornite din
inimi smerite.
Iisuse, Cela
ce la nastere n-ai avut locas de salasluire, fa-Ti locas din inimile noastre.
Iisuse, Cela
ce toate usile le-ai gasit incuiate, deschide inima mea, cea zavorata de pacat.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut la marginea cetatii, da-ne noua sa fugim de desertaciunile
lumii acesteia.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prima data ai venit la miezul noptii, cand vei veni a doua oara la aceeasi
ora, miluieste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut in taina noptii, viata mea cea plina de pacate in taina noptii
o ascunde, miluindu-ma.
Iisuse, Fiul lui
Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 3:
Steaua a
vestit magilor pe Soarele Dreptatii, Cel ce S-a nascut negrait, in pestera, ca
sa ma mantuiasca pe mine, cel ce m-am facut pestera a toata necuratia, prin
calcarea poruncilor Lui, pentru care, pocaindu-ma, cant: Aliluia !
Icosul 3:
Tatalui, prin care toate s-au facut, fara patimire si fara stricaciune Se naste
cu trup, din Sfanta Fecioara Maria, ca sa mantuiasca lumea, Caruia,
intampinandu-L, asa sa-I strigam:
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu Tatal si cu Sfantul Duh esti laudat de ingeri, miluieste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce de ingeri esti laudat, fa ca si noi pe pamant, neincetat sa Te marim.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe pamant nascandu-Te, de cer nu Te-ai despartit, cu smerenie Iti slujim.
Iisuse, care
ai impreunat prin Nasterea Ta, pe ingeri cu oamenii, pe Tine Te laudam.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prin Nasterea Ta, ne-ai deschis usile raiului, inchise prin neascultarea lui
Adam, Tie Iti multumim.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai omorat moartea, prin Nasterea Ta facandu-ne partasi vietii celei vesnice,
Te preamarim.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai departat vrajba si lumii pace ai adus prin Nasterea Ta, Tie Iti slujim.
Iisuse, Care
prin Nasterea Ta, mantuire lumii ai adus, da-ne noua iertare de pacate.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ne-ai descoperit noua, prin Nasterea Ta, pe Dumnezeu in Treime, Tie ne
Iisuse, Fiul lui
Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 4:
Ca sa ma
izbavesti din robia celui viclean, ai binevoit a Te imbraca in chip de rob,
Cuvinte cel fara de inceput si de o fiinta cu Tatal si cu Duhul Sfant, pentru
care, slavind milostivirea Ta, cantam neincetat: Aliluia !
Icosul 4:
oamenilor asemenea S-a aratat si in pestera S-a nascut si a saracit cu trupul,
ca noi sa ne imbogatim in har; pentru aceasta credinciosii cu gand curat sa-L
primim, cantandu-I:
nascandu-Te Tu, imparatia pacatului s-a nimicit.
cugetele cele rele, nascandu-Te Tu, din multe inimi s-au descoperit.
Iisuse, venind
Tu, puterea diavolului a slabit si oamenii asupra lui s-au intarit.
nascandu-Te Tu, de ispitele ce vin de la lume ne-am izbavit.
Iisuse, trup
luand, de ispitele trupului ne-am mantuit.
nascandu-Te Tu, trupurile si sufletele de patimi le-am curatit.
Iisuse, prin
intruparea Ta, trupul nostru cel stricacios cu nestricaciunea l-ai impodobit.
pogorandu-Te Tu, din oameni pamantesti, prin har, ingeri ai facut.
rasarind Tu, lumina adevarului peste toti a stralucit.
nascandu-Te Tu, Dreptatea si Adevarul pe pamant s-au pogorat.
aratandu-Te Tu, pe Dumnezeu Cel intr-o fiinta am cunoscut.
Iisuse, lumea,
prin Nasterea Ta, de bucuria mantuirii s-a umplut.
Iisuse, Fiul lui
Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 5:
Hristos, cu
trupul aratandu-Se, Se salasluieste in noi in chip negrait. Veniti,
credinciosii, sa vedem slava Lui, slava ca a Unuia nascut din Tatal si sa-I
cantam: Aliluia !
Icosul 5:
Cel ce a facut
cerul si pamantul, astazi Se naste trupeste ca un om, din tine, Maica Donului,
pazindu-te si dupa nastere fecioara, pentru care, bucurandu-ne, asa-I strigam:
nascandu-Te cu trup din Sfanta Fecioara Maria, o ai facut Nascatoare de
Dumnezeu si plina de har.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai incredintat spre ingrijire Maicii prea curate, prunc fiind,
incredinteaza-ne si pe noi purtarii ei de grija.
Iisuse, Cela
ce in brate Te-ai purtat, deschide si noua pacatosilor, bratele milostivirii
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu scutece Te-ai infasat, incinge-ne si pe noi cu puterea Crucii Tale, ca sa
biruim pe vrajmasii nostri.
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu lapte Te-ai hranit, hraneste-ne si pe noi, flamanzii si insetatii, din
darurile Tale.
Iisuse, Cela
ce la sanul Sfintei Fecioare Te-ai odihnit, da-ne si noua sa aflam liniste in
sanul Bisericii Tale.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai aratat supus Sfintei Fecioare, da-ne si noua sa ne supunem voiei Tale
celei dumnezeiesti.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai primit dragostea Maicii Tale, primeste si de la noi aceasta putina
dragoste si o inmulteste inaintea Ta.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai primit daruri de la magi, primeste si de la noi aceste putine lacrimi,
prin care curateste pacatele noastre.
Iisuse, Cela
ce primesti pe toti pacatosii care se pocaiesc, primeste-ma si pe mine cel
cufundat in pacate, pentru Sfanta Nasterea Ta.
Iisuse, Cela
ce voiesti sa mantuiesti pe toti oamenii, mantuieste-ma si pe mine, dupa mare
mila Ta.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 6:
Cu gura si cu
inima, pe Hristos Cel ce S-a nascut cu trupul in pestera, din curata Fecioara,
veniti credinciosii, cu un gand sa-L laudam, cantand impreuna cu ingerii:
Aliluia !
Icosul 6:
O, minune
noua, o, bunatate! O, nespusa rabdare, ca iata, ca un prunc se socoteste Cel ce
locuieste in Cele de Sus, pe Care, de bunavoie primindu-L in casa sufletului
nostru, asa sa-I strigam:
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut, de rautatea lui Irod, fereste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai intrupat, de fariseismul lui Irod, izbaveste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut in pestera, de pacatul lui Irod pazeste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce in pestera Te-ai culcat, de necredinta lui Irod, scapa-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai descoperit gandurile cele rele ale lui Irod, descopera gandurile rele ale
vrajmasilor nostri.
Iisuse, mielul
cel nevinovat, nu-mi da mie, ca prin pacatele mele, sa fiu ucigas ca Irod.
Iisuse, Cela
ce cunosti gandurile oamenilor, mintea mea de gandurile cele rele o curateste.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai ascuns de Irod cel rau, nu Te ascunde de mine, pacatosul.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai fugit de mania lui Irod, acopera-ma si pe mine de mania oamenilor, care
se pornesc cu rautate asupra mea.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe Irod, ca pe un facator de rele l-ai aratat, arata si pe cei ce in ascuns
imi fac mie rau.
Iisuse, Cela
ce iubesti pe toti oamenii, da-mi si mie sa iubesc pe toti, si chiar pe
vrajmasii mei.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 7:
Steaua pe magi
i-a trimis la Cel ce S-a nascut, ca sa mantuiasca lumea de pacate, iar Irod cel
rau, ostasi a trimis ca sa ucida pe dumnezeiescul Prunc, de a carui rautate
fugind, ca si magii, neincetat sa cantam: Aliluia !
Icosul 7:
mantuirea noastra, Bunule Doamne, ai venit in Betleem si in pestera Te-ai
nascut, Cela ce ai cerul scaun si in iesle Te-ai culcat, prunc fiind, Cela ce
esti necuprins, cu scutece Te-ai infasat si cu lapte Te-ai hranit, din dragoste
pentru noi, pentru care, cu smerenie laudandu-Te, strigam Tie:
Iisuse, Cela
ce in pestera Te-ai nascut, vino si in pestera sufletului meu si ma mantuieste.
Iisuse, Cela
ce esti necuprins si Te-ai lasat cuprins de o iesle mica, fa ca puterea Ta sa
cuprinda si inima cea micsorata de patimi.
Iisuse, Cela
ce n-ai socotit locasul acesta modest, nedemn de maretia Ta, fa-ti locas
smeritul meu trup.
Iisuse, Cela
ce nu Te poate cuprinde cerul si pamantul, iar prin Nasterea Ta Te-ai lasat
cuprins de fiecare dintre noi, miluieste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prin Nasterea Ta ai luat firea noastra cea cazuta, ridica-ma si pe mine cel
cazut in adancul rautatilor.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut in chip dumnezeiesc, fa ca si sufletul meu sa nasca lucruri
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai purtat de trup fecioresc, curateste si trupul meu cel intinat de
patimile desfranarii.
Iisuse, Cela ce
ai facut ca Sfanta Fecioara, nascandu-Te, sa nu simta dureri, tamaduieste toate
durerile trupului meu.
Iisuse, Cela
ce nascandu-Te, Maica Prea Curata a ramas fecioara, pastreaza sufletul si
trupul meu in feciorie duhovniceasca.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai ales spre a Te naste, pe cea mai curata dintre pamanteni, cu harul Tau
ajuta-ma sa-mi pastrez curatenia sufletului si trupului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pentru a Te naste, pe Sfanta Fecioara o ai umbrit cu puterea Sfantului Duh,
pe acesta salasluieste-L in sufletul meu.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prin Nasterea Ta s-a biruit randuiala firii, da-mi sa biruiesc firea mea cea
stricata prin pacate.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 8:
Sa alergam,
credinciosii, la Betleem si inaintea ieslei celei de Dumnezeu primitoare, sa
aducem lauda impreuna cu ingerii si cu pastorii, lui Iisus, Cuvantul lui
Dumnezeu, care din dragoste pentru noi, trup S-a facut, cantand: Aliluia !
Icosul 8:
Smereniei Tale
inchinandu-ne Hristoase, Cela ce din Tatal mai inainte de veci Te-ai nascut,
iar pentru mantuirea noastra, la plinirea vremii, cu trup Te-ai nascut din
Sfanta Fecioara, cu cantari ca acestea Te laudam:
Iisuse, Cela
ce pentru mine Te-ai smerit, de pacatul mandriei scapa-ma si in haina smereniei
ma imbraca.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe magi i-ai chemat la inchinarea Ta, cheama-ma si pe mine, ca neincetat, cu
smerenie sa ma inchin Tie.
Iisuse, care
pe pastori de la oi i-ai chemat la marita Nasterea Ta, cheama-ma si pe mine,
care stau departe de Tine, pazind turma pacatelor.
Iisuse, care
prin Nasterea Ta Te-ai fagaduit sa fii cu noi totdeauna, fii si cu mine,
pacatosul si intunecatul.
Iisuse, care
Te-ai nascut din Tatal fara mama si din mama fara tata, miluieste-ma si pe mine
cel nascut in pacate.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai zamislit de la Duhul Sfant in pantecele Fecioarei, curateste-ma si pe
mine, cel zamislit in faradelegi.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut peste fire, de pacatele cele peste fire, izbaveste-ma.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut, nu din pofta trupeasca, ci de la Duhul Sfant, potoleste toata
pofta cea trupeasca de la robii Tai.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut in noapte, din intunericul pacatului scoate-ma.
Soarele Dreptatii, cu lumina cunostintei de Dumnezeu lumineaza-ma.
Iisuse, prin
Nasterea Ta, bucuria a venit la toata lumea, caci cu noi este Dumnezeu.
Iisuse, prin
Nasterea Ta, raiul s-a deschis, satana s-a biruit si noi ne-am mantuit.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 9:
Cea negraita
smerenia Cuvantului lui Dumnezeu, cu ochii mintii, mai inainte vazand-o, Avacum
a strigat: de la miazazi va veni Dumnezeu Mantuitorul nostru, Caruia,
intampinandu-L, sa-I cantam: Aliluia !
Icosul 9:
Asa a iubit
Dumnezeu lumea, incat pe Unicul Sau Fiu, Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos, L-a
trimis sa mantuiasca de pacate lumea, pe care vazandu-L in pestera nascut cu
smerenie, sa-L laudam, strigand:
Iisuse, Cela
ce din dragoste pentru noi Te-ai nascut, umple inima mea de dragoste pentru
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe pamant Te-ai aratat ca sa izbavesti lumea de pacate, da-mi mie sa urasc
toate pacatele.
Iisuse, Cela
ce din dragoste pentru oameni Te-ai smerit in chip de rob, da-mi dragoste si
ravna pentru binele aproapelui.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai aratat ascultator voiei Tatalui, da-mi si mie ascultare de toate
poruncile Lui.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prunc Te-ai adus de Sfanta Ta Maica in Biserica, da-mi sa iubesc Biserica
Iisuse, Cela
ce prin stea ai luminat pe magi, lumineaza si inima mea, pe care o a intunecat
pofta cea rea.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pentru binele omenirii ai venit in lume, nu ma lipsi pe mine de binele Tau
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai aparat pe magi de rautatea lui Irod, apara-ma si pe mine de toata
rautatea omeneasca.
inflacareaza-mi inima de dor pentru Tine, precum ai inflacarat inima celor trei
condu-ma pe calea cea sigura, care duce la Tine, precum ai condus pe magi prin
Iisuse, da-mi
si-n viata aceasta, si-n cea viitoare, sa aud corul cel dulce al ingerilor.
Iisuse, Care
pentru mantuirea noastra Te-ai nascut om, mantuieste-ma pe mine, pacatosul.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 10:
Iisuse, da-ne noua sa Te iubim pe Tine mai mult decat am iubit pacatul si sa
facem de acum numai voia Ta cea sfanta, cantand neincetat: Aliluia !
Icosul 10:
Pe Hristos Cel
ce S-a nascut din Fecioara Maria in chip negrait, cu in-gerii toti sa-L laudam,
curatenia desavarsita, de toata intinaciunea curateste-ma.
izvorul vietii, da-mi viata cea vesnica.
frumusetea desavarsita, da-mi frumusetea cea dintai, pe care din cauza
pacatelor am pierdut-o.
blandetea desavarsita, da-mi sa fiu bland cu semenii mei.
izvorul intelepciunii, intelepteste-ma.
Iisuse, lumina
cea pururea vesnica, lumineaza-ma.
facatorul meu, nu ma lasa sa pier.
Iisuse, de
bolile cele trupesti, care vin pentru pacatele mele, tamaduieste-ma.
Iisuse, de
patimile cele sufletesti, curateste-ma.
Iisuse, de
gandurile cele rele, izbaveste-ma.
Iisuse, de
nalucirile diavolesti, fereste-ma.
Iisuse, de
obiceiul cel rau al patimilor, mantuieste-ma.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 11:
Slava intru
cei de sus, cetele ingeresti in Betleem, inaintea pastorilor au statut cantand,
la Nasterea Ta, Hristoase, iar noi, pacatosii pe pamant Te laudam, strigand:
Aliluia !
Icosul 11:
oamenilor S-a aratat, asemenea si in pestera S-a nascut cu trup, ca pe noi cei
cazuti in pacate, sa ne faca fiii Lui, pentru care, cu multumita, asa-I cantam:
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai venit in lume cu trupul, da-mi sa Te iubesc mai mult decat am iubit
placerile lumii.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai luat trup pentru mine pacatosul, da-mi sa Te iubesc mai mult decat
indulcirile trupesti.
Iisuse, Cela
ce pentru pacatosi Te-ai nascut, fa-ma sa urasc din tot sufletul pacatul.
Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu cel intrupat, da-mi sa nu spun niciodata cuvinte
Iisuse, Cela
ce voiesti sa se mantuiasca toti oamenii, fa sa nu piara nici un suflet din
cauza purtarii mele celei rele.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prin Intruparea Ta ne-ai dat noua spre viata vesnica Sfantul Trup si
Cinstitul Sange al Tau, fa-ne vrednici impartasirii acestora.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai nascut in pestera saraca, nu Te scarbi nici de saracia sufletului meu,
cand vii sa locuiesti in el prin impartasirea cu Sfintele Taine.
Iisuse, cand
ma apropii de Tine, in Sfintele Taine, fa-ma sa vin cu toata cucernicia, cu
frica, cu credinta si cu dragostea.
Iisuse, cand
ma apropii de Tine, fereste-ma de rautatea lui Irod.
Iisuse, pe
preotii Tai, cand slujesc Sfanta Liturghie, curateste-i de toata necuratia si-i
fa vrednici slujirii acestei Taine dumnezeiesti.
Iisuse, pe
credinciosii Tai, care iau parte la Sfanta Liturghie, de darurile Tale cele
ceresti ii impartaseste.
Iisuse, pe cei
ce iubesc buna cuviinta Bisericii Tale, cu darurile cele vesnice ii
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 12:
Tatal bine a
voit, Cuvantul trup S-a facut si Fecioara a nascut pe Dumnezeu intrupat, cu
umbrirea Sfantului Duh, Steaua vesteste, magii se inchina, pastorii se
minuneaza si toata faptura se bucura, cantand: Aliluia!
Icosul 12:
Iata, a venit
chemarea tuturor, Hristoase, curatirea, lumina, izbavirea, pacea, sanatatea,
bunatatea, pe care primindu-le credinciosii cu inimi curate, sa-I strigam :
Iisuse, Domnul
pacii, potoleste razboaiele si da lumii pacea Ta.
izvorul pacii, impaca pe toti care sunt invrajbiti.
facatorul pacii, pe sotii care sunt despartiti, uneste-i iarasi in pace si in
Iisuse, Cela
ce pe pamant Te-ai aratat ascultator Parintelui Tau, intoarce pe fii cu
dragoste catre parintii lor.
Iisuse, Cela
ce Te-ai aratat prunc, pe copiii nostri ii ocroteste.
Iisuse, pe cei
tineri ii intelepteste si pe calea invataturilor Tale ii calauzeste.
Iisuse, pe
batrani ii sprijineste si cu darul rabdarii si al intelepciunii ii impodobeste.
Iisuse, pe cei
buni, in bunatate ii pazeste.
Iisuse, pe cei
rai, de la rautatea lor ii intoarce.
Iisuse, pe cei
rataciti de la adevar, pe calea cea dreapta ii intoarce cu bunatatea Ta.
Iisuse, pe cei
bolnavi si suferinzi ii tamaduieste.
Iisuse, pe
Sfanta Biserica Ta in pace si liniste o pazeste.
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 13:
O ! Prea dulce
Iisuse, Cela ce in pestera Te-ai nascut cu trupul, primes-te si de la noi
aceasta smerita rugaciune, precum ai primit daruri de la magi si cantare de la
pastori, si departeaza de la noi toata rautatea, cearta, vrajmasia, obiceiul
cel rau si toate ispitele si necazurile ce vin asupra noastra, ca traind in
pace si buna intelegere unii cu altii, cu un gand sa Te laudam pe Tine,
Dumnezeu Cel de Sus, cantand : Aliluia !
(de 3 ori).
Apoi se zice iarasi
Icosul 1
Ingerii din
cer mirandu-se, ziceau: Cum Te va incapea pe Tine, Cela ce esti necuprins, cum
Te va hrani cu lapte pe Tine Fecioara, Cela ce esti hranitorul tuturor. Iar noi
de o taina ca aceasta minunand-ne, cantam Tie :
Iisuse, Cela
ce din pestera Te-ai nascut, da-ne noua har sa ne nastem spre viata de veci.
Iisuse, Cela
ce prunc Te-ai facut, da-ne noua nevinovatia pruncilor.
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu lapte Te-ai hranit, hraneste-ne si pe noi cu bunatatile Tale cele
Iisuse, Cela
ce cu scutece Te-ai infasat, dezleaga-ne si pe noi de blestemul pacatului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce in brate Te-ai purtat, scoate-ne pe noi din ghearele diavolului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce de stea ai fost aratat, fa sa straluceasca si peste noi lumina dumnezeirii
Soarele Dreptatii, scoate-ne din intunericul pacatului.
Pastorul cel bun, cauta-ma pe mine, oaia cea ratacita.
Iisuse, Cela
ce din cer Te-ai pogorat, smerindu-Te pentru mine, da-mi si mie smerenie ca sa
ma inalt la cer.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai luat chipul robului, scoate-ma din robia pacatului.
Iisuse, Cela
ce ai venit sa mantuiesti lumea, mantuieste-ma pe mine, dintre toti cel mai
Iisuse, Fiul
lui Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, mantuieste-ma.
Condacul 1:
Cela ce din
veci Te-ai nascut din Tatal si la plinirea vremii Te-ai intrupat de la Duhul
Sfant si Te-ai nascut cu trup din Sfanta Fecioara Maria ca sa ne mantuiesti din
robia pacatului, pace lumii Tale daruieste si ne izbaveste pe noi de toate
ispitele si necazurile, ca sa cantam Tie cu usurinta asa: Iisuse, Fiul lui
Dumnezeu, Cela ce cu trupul in pestera Te-ai nascut, miluieste-ma.
Doamne Dumnezeule, Atottiitorule, cand Te-ai nascut din Fecioara Maria in
Betleemul Iudeii, cu spaima fapturile s-au minunat si lumea s-a bucurat de
Nasterea Ta, Cela ce ai facut pe om dupa chipul si asemanarea Ta si i-ai dat
botezul spre pocainta; Care ne-ai adus pe noi la prea curatele zilele acestea
pentru infranarea patimilor, spre nadejdea Invierii si ne indreptezi pe noi
spre adevarul dumnezeirii Tale si ai lumi-nat mintea noastra spre a Te cunoaste
pe Tine, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Care ridici pacatele a toata lumea.Tu si acum,
Stapane, Iubitorule de oameni, primeste pe robii Tai precum ai primit pe Petru,
care se afundase in mare, iar mai pre urma, lepadandu-se de Tine, dar plangand
cu amar, iarasi l-ai primit. Ca am auzit glas graind si magii inchinandu-se cu
daruri si ingerii cantand, iar Irod tulburand-se, ca Dumezeu in trup S-a aratat
spre mantuirea noastra. Pe Tine acum, Stapane, Iubitorule de oameni, toata
faptura Te lauda, graind:
Hristos Se naste,
mariti-L !
Hristos din
ceruri, intampinati-L !
Hristos pe pamant,
inaltati-va !
ingerilor se bucura, cetele mucenicilor se veselesc vazand marita si cinstita
serbare, si toti dupa vrednicie o lauda cu inima si cu buzele. Si acum Bunule,
Iubitorule de oameni, primeste pe robii Tai precum si plecarea genunchilor si
umilinta noastra, ca plinind poruncile Tale, curati si neprihaniti, ajungand
acum la cinstita Nasterea Ta, sa ne impartasim cu Prea Curatul trup si
Cinstitul Sange al Tau, Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos, Caruia se cuvine marirea,
cinstea si inchinaciunea impreuna si Tatalui si Duhului Sfant, acum si pururea
si in vecii vecilor. Amin.
Akathist in Preparation for Christmas (Holy Resurrection Monastery)
Akathist in Preparation for Christmas (Holy
Resurrection Monastery)
A few years ago Hieromonk Maximos wrote this
devotional service in preparation for the Lord’s Nativity. It is designed as an
extended reflection on the sacred scriptures in which the coming of the Messiah
is foretold. We offer it for those who wish to pray it privately.
Akathist Hymn in Preparation for the
Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
The work of Maximos, a hieromonk
We sing the Kontakion of the Preparation as the Priest
censes an icon of the Mother of God.
Kontakion of the Preparation, Tone 3
Today the Virgin is on her way, to the cave
where she will give birth to the Eternal Word of God in an ineffable manner.
Rejoice, therefore, O Universe when you hear this news, and glorify with the
angels and the shepherds Him who will appear as new child, being God from all
The Akathist on the Acrostic:
“Today the Virgin is on her way”
“Today the Virgin is on her way”
Oikos I
The sacred sayings of the Prophets reach their fulfillment.
See, a Virgin gives birth to God in the flesh in the city of Bethlehem within
the Cave; let all creation be enriched, be glad and dance; the Master of all
things is at hand to live among slaves, ransoming us, who are subject to
corruption, from the power of the evil stranger, who sing:
Hail! Who from the beginning was the Word.
Hail! God with God, and Father’s Word.
Hail! Through Whom all things were made.
Hail! In Whom is Life, the Light of all.
Hail! Light in darkness.
Hail! Gloom’s dispeller.
Hail! Baptist’s sender.
Hail! Baptism’s goal.
Hail! In the world, but unknown.
Hail! Receiver of those who receive You.
Hail! Power of new birth.
Hail! Word made flesh among us dwelling.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Hail! God with God, and Father’s Word.
Hail! Through Whom all things were made.
Hail! In Whom is Life, the Light of all.
Hail! Light in darkness.
Hail! Gloom’s dispeller.
Hail! Baptist’s sender.
Hail! Baptism’s goal.
Hail! In the world, but unknown.
Hail! Receiver of those who receive You.
Hail! Power of new birth.
Hail! Word made flesh among us dwelling.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion I
Order stills chaos. The Abyss is no longer void. Darkness
has fled away.
The Word of God, Who once spoke from without, is now heard within.
The command, “Let there be” has been heard in the woman who replied, “Let it be done.
Creation has learned at last to be itself, to become the cave that now holds its Creator,
Echoing the angels’ hymn:
Alleluia! (x3).
The Word of God, Who once spoke from without, is now heard within.
The command, “Let there be” has been heard in the woman who replied, “Let it be done.
Creation has learned at last to be itself, to become the cave that now holds its Creator,
Echoing the angels’ hymn:
Alleluia! (x3).
Oikos II
Dead Adam arise; clothe yourself with praise. Eve lift up
your voice and shake off your shame. See, the bruised heel walks toward Bethlehem . In the House
of Bread she casts away the stones of grief, feasts on the Father’s Fish Who
has crushed the serpent’s head. Do not cease your hymn, skin-clad dust, or the
stones themselves will cry out:
Hail! Planter of the Tree of Life.
Hail! Nailed upon the Tree of Death.
Hail! Fruit most desired in all the garden.
Hail! Delight to the enclosed heart’s eyes.
Hail! Whose feet have walked with ours in the dusk.
Hail! Who comes searching out our hidden shame.
Hail! Enemy to cunning envy.
Hail! Friend to peace-filled love.
Hail! Sewer of our skins.
Hail! Looser of our sins!
Hail! Companion in our exile.
Hail! Welcome home throughEden ’s
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Nailed upon the Tree of Death.
Hail! Fruit most desired in all the garden.
Hail! Delight to the enclosed heart’s eyes.
Hail! Whose feet have walked with ours in the dusk.
Hail! Who comes searching out our hidden shame.
Hail! Enemy to cunning envy.
Hail! Friend to peace-filled love.
Hail! Sewer of our skins.
Hail! Looser of our sins!
Hail! Companion in our exile.
Hail! Welcome home through
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion II
Abraham was called out from his father’s house and from
his own country;
Now Joseph returns to the land of his line, to David’s house.
Sarah once laughed at the thought of pleasure;
Mary now greets the sword of sorrow, forgetting anguish for the Child to be born,
Magnifying the Lord and crying:
Alleluia! (x3)
Now Joseph returns to the land of his line, to David’s house.
Sarah once laughed at the thought of pleasure;
Mary now greets the sword of sorrow, forgetting anguish for the Child to be born,
Magnifying the Lord and crying:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos III
Yielding to Melchizedek, Abraham bows; the ancestor is
greeted by the one without ancestors. The patriarch tithes his spoils; Salem ’s King offers bread
and wine. Though we have a beginning we dare to cry to the One without
beginning; though we have few treasures we dare to sing to the Giver of every
good thing:
Hail! Who have called us out to a new land.
Hail! Who have made of us a great nation.
Hail! Faithful to covenant.
Hail! Judge of covenant breakers.
Hail! Counted among Abraham’s seed.
Hail! Promiser and promised in One.
Hail! Hagar’s consolation.
Hail! Ishmael’s protection.
Hail! Whose providence draws all to Yourself.
Hail! Who raises sons of Abraham from the stoniest of hearts.
Hail! Whose blessings are more than the sands of the seashore.
Hail! The Host who makes Himself guest in the heat of our days.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Who have made of us a great nation.
Hail! Faithful to covenant.
Hail! Judge of covenant breakers.
Hail! Counted among Abraham’s seed.
Hail! Promiser and promised in One.
Hail! Hagar’s consolation.
Hail! Ishmael’s protection.
Hail! Whose providence draws all to Yourself.
Hail! Who raises sons of Abraham from the stoniest of hearts.
Hail! Whose blessings are more than the sands of the seashore.
Hail! The Host who makes Himself guest in the heat of our days.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion III
The Magi, sons of Chaldea ,
are called out from their own country;
Shepherds are herded by angels through the cave’s narrow gate.
A manger offers bestial men celestial Food.
Isaac is coming again to be offered by the God
Who will Himself provide the Offering to those who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Shepherds are herded by angels through the cave’s narrow gate.
A manger offers bestial men celestial Food.
Isaac is coming again to be offered by the God
Who will Himself provide the Offering to those who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos IV
Hid Jacob in skins to win his father’s blessing; the Word
comes buried in the field of the flesh to restore us to our Father’s house.
Jacob’s trickery won him lordship, the cunning of Jacob’s offspring defeats the
empty power of Death. Tell us, O bold Rebekah’s daughter, who journeys towards Bethlehem , how to sing:
Hail! Field and field’s Fruit in one.
Hail! Aroma filling the Father’s nostrils with joy.
Hail! Fatness of the earth, plenty and grain and wine.
Hail! Blessing of those who bless You.
Hail! Curse of those who curse You.
Hail! Laborer for your beloveds’ love.
Hail! Winner of false Laban’s flocks.
Hail! Shepherd of many sheep.
Hail! Who marks us as we wrestle.
Hail! Whom Jacob would not let go without a blessing.
Hail! Father of the Twelve Tribes.
Hail! Lover of all earth’s tribes.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Aroma filling the Father’s nostrils with joy.
Hail! Fatness of the earth, plenty and grain and wine.
Hail! Blessing of those who bless You.
Hail! Curse of those who curse You.
Hail! Laborer for your beloveds’ love.
Hail! Winner of false Laban’s flocks.
Hail! Shepherd of many sheep.
Hail! Who marks us as we wrestle.
Hail! Whom Jacob would not let go without a blessing.
Hail! Father of the Twelve Tribes.
Hail! Lover of all earth’s tribes.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity.(Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion IV
Every service Joseph rendered his master, Pharaoh;
Now Caesar commands a new Joseph, wending toBethlehem to obey.
The lust of Potiphar’s wife proved the virtue of the first;
The second preserves the Virgin’s honor intact.
Finding freedom through virtue they sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Now Caesar commands a new Joseph, wending to
The lust of Potiphar’s wife proved the virtue of the first;
The second preserves the Virgin’s honor intact.
Finding freedom through virtue they sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos V
Very meek, humblest of men, Moses made himself an
earth to receive the seed of your Word. New Moses, humble born, manger fed:
break open the earth of our hearts to the rain of your mercy, make our journey
to Bethlehem an
exodus from sin, opening our mouths wide to sing:
Hail! Fire that does not consume.
Hail! Name beyond all names.
Hail! Confidence of the stammerer.
Hail! Hardener of the hardened heart.
Hail! Pillar of Cloud by day.
Hail! Pillar of Fire by night.
Hail! Lifter of the sea.
Hail! Feeder of the manna.
Hail! Water flowing from the rock.
Hail! Giver of the Law.
Hail! Pourer of the Spirit.
Hail! Priest and Sacrifice.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Name beyond all names.
Hail! Confidence of the stammerer.
Hail! Hardener of the hardened heart.
Hail! Pillar of Cloud by day.
Hail! Pillar of Fire by night.
Hail! Lifter of the sea.
Hail! Feeder of the manna.
Hail! Water flowing from the rock.
Hail! Giver of the Law.
Hail! Pourer of the Spirit.
Hail! Priest and Sacrifice.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion V
Into the promised land within the cave, O Shepherds go
and spy for us:
see there the new Joshua spun from the scarlet blood
of another, though virgin, Rahab.
Bring back to us tidings of great joy,
of Death falling fainthearted before those who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
see there the new Joshua spun from the scarlet blood
of another, though virgin, Rahab.
Bring back to us tidings of great joy,
of Death falling fainthearted before those who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos VI
Rightly judge, O tribes, for the Ark now journeys to tabernacle in a cave.
Join with our Deborah’s hymn, magnify the One who gave courage to Jael and dew
to Gideon, strength to Samson, and to Ruth her steadfast love. Come down, O Ark , to your new Samuel,
teaching us to chant:
Hail! Man of the drawn sword upon the holy ground.
Hail! Trumpet blast leveling the walls of sin.
Hail! Sun-stilling Word.
Hail! Conquest of the land.
Hail!Jordan ’s
source and joy.
Hail! Only just Judge.
Hail! Who has dropped the heavens.
Hail! Cloud raining water on the land.
Hail! Avenger against the Philistine.
Hail! Breaker of every Baal.
Hail! Solace of widows.
Hail! New Boaz wedding Ruth.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Trumpet blast leveling the walls of sin.
Hail! Sun-stilling Word.
Hail! Conquest of the land.
Hail! Only just Judge.
Hail! Who has dropped the heavens.
Hail! Cloud raining water on the land.
Hail! Avenger against the Philistine.
Hail! Breaker of every Baal.
Hail! Solace of widows.
Hail! New Boaz wedding Ruth.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion VI
Go to David’s city, to see David’s Lord born as his son.
See his enemies like straw beneath his feet,
see his friends the poor and humble, the stranger and the foreigner,
the lowly raised up high, the mighty cast down,
the hungry filled with good things, and heaven joining earth to proclaim:
Alleluia! (x3)
See his enemies like straw beneath his feet,
see his friends the poor and humble, the stranger and the foreigner,
the lowly raised up high, the mighty cast down,
the hungry filled with good things, and heaven joining earth to proclaim:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos VII
In Bathsheba’s son God wove wisdom from the strands of
David’s sin. Now a new Solomon will lie before the Ark ,
no longer the Ark ’s
worshiper, but its Treasure and its Glory. Wisdom Himself comes to be born,
woven not of tangled flesh but of Spirit and virgin awe, leading us to pray:
Hail! Before Whom David danced.
Hail! Cause of sweet-sung psalm.
Hail! Glory of theTemple .
Hail! Borne between the cherubim.
Hail! Wisdom foolish to the wise.
Hail! Kingship lowly to the lordly.
Hail! Bread on which the princes feast.
Hail! Cleansing Blood for priests.
Hail! Wealth beyond measure.
Hail! Wonder of the world.
Hail! For Whom prophets spoke.
Hail! To Whom kingly praise is due.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Cause of sweet-sung psalm.
Hail! Glory of the
Hail! Borne between the cherubim.
Hail! Wisdom foolish to the wise.
Hail! Kingship lowly to the lordly.
Hail! Bread on which the princes feast.
Hail! Cleansing Blood for priests.
Hail! Wealth beyond measure.
Hail! Wonder of the world.
Hail! For Whom prophets spoke.
Hail! To Whom kingly praise is due.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion VII
Not now to heaven does a chariot bear Elijah;
but upon the earth the fiery Virgin journeys,
unconsumed, toBethlehem .
The Spirit, no longer apportioned as once to Elisha,
is poured out without measure upon all who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
but upon the earth the fiery Virgin journeys,
unconsumed, to
The Spirit, no longer apportioned as once to Elisha,
is poured out without measure upon all who sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos VIII
Into evil have I been taken captive, banished by sin. My
heart’s walls are broken down and my body’s temple lies ruined. Where is
Zerubbabel, David’s son to obey the king’s decree? Where is priestly Ezra to
sacrifice for mercy’s sake? Where is Nehemiah to mourn for me? He is here,
emptied into flesh, self-exiled for love of the cast out who proclaim:
Hail! Yearned for by Babylon ’s streams.
Hail! Comfort of the weeping.
Hail! Forsaken but never forsaking.
Hail! Faithful to a faithless people.
Hail! Nearby when we are far away.
Hail! Joy hidden within the ashes.
Hail! Secret food for those who fast.
Hail! Who hears the rending of the robe.
Hail! Strength of the remnant.
Hail! Hearth aflame for the returner.
and temple-builder.
Hail! Restorer of the Law.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Comfort of the weeping.
Hail! Forsaken but never forsaking.
Hail! Faithful to a faithless people.
Hail! Nearby when we are far away.
Hail! Joy hidden within the ashes.
Hail! Secret food for those who fast.
Hail! Who hears the rending of the robe.
Hail! Strength of the remnant.
Hail! Hearth aflame for the returner.
Hail! Restorer of the Law.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion VIII
Shall Judith now slay the tyrant death?
See she comes, beautiful of face, prudent of heart,
like Esther in majesty, steadfast like Ruth,
the Virgin widow whose sword is her own Son
who wields Himself for all who chant:
Alleluia! (x3)
See she comes, beautiful of face, prudent of heart,
like Esther in majesty, steadfast like Ruth,
the Virgin widow whose sword is her own Son
who wields Himself for all who chant:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos IX
Out of Isaiah’s mouth the Lord decrees: “Understand you
nations and submit, for God is with us!” Emmanuel is arriving, Jesse’s rod is
blossoming, the Virgin is bearing and all creation is rejoicing:
Hail! Child born for us.
Hail! Son given for us.
Hail! Whose shoulders bear the Government.
Hail! Angel of Great Counsel.
Hail! Wonderful Counselor.
Hail! Mighty God.
Hail! Potentate.
Hail! Prince of Peace.
Hail! Father of the Age to Come.
Hail! Upholder of the Throne from Age to Age.
Hail! Judge of the lowly with justice.
Hail! Little Child who leads us.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Son given for us.
Hail! Whose shoulders bear the Government.
Hail! Angel of Great Counsel.
Hail! Wonderful Counselor.
Hail! Mighty God.
Hail! Potentate.
Hail! Prince of Peace.
Hail! Father of the Age to Come.
Hail! Upholder of the Throne from Age to Age.
Hail! Judge of the lowly with justice.
Hail! Little Child who leads us.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion IX
Not until this moment has Jeremiah’s word been
this is our God, and there shall be no other,
this is our God, who appeared upon earth,
and lived among men.
Lord, we give You glory as we hymn:
Alleluia! (x3)
this is our God, and there shall be no other,
this is our God, who appeared upon earth,
and lived among men.
Lord, we give You glory as we hymn:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos X
Human hand did not cut the stone that comes now to be
born, and human help did not save the three youths in Babylon ’s fire. Teach us, Daniel, lead us
young men, as we cry out to the Savior:
Hail! Lord God of our Fathers, worthy of all praise.
Hail! Just in all that you do.
Hail! Heaven’s Lord.
Hail! Angels’ King.
Hail! Maker of the sun and moon.
Hail! Creator of the stars of heaven.
Hail! Who send us fire and hail, frost and snow.
Hail! Glorified in winter cold and summer heat.
Hail! Source of springs, seas and rivers.
Hail! Who care for birds of the air, for beasts and cattle.
Hail! Son of Man for the sons of men.
Hail! Whose mercy endures forever.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Just in all that you do.
Hail! Heaven’s Lord.
Hail! Angels’ King.
Hail! Maker of the sun and moon.
Hail! Creator of the stars of heaven.
Hail! Who send us fire and hail, frost and snow.
Hail! Glorified in winter cold and summer heat.
Hail! Source of springs, seas and rivers.
Hail! Who care for birds of the air, for beasts and cattle.
Hail! Son of Man for the sons of men.
Hail! Whose mercy endures forever.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion X
Early is the rain that falls for our vindication, says
foreshadowing the Spirit’s overshadowing of the Virgin soil.
O Hosea marry, Amos warn,
Habakkuk look upon the vision,
and let the whole company cry out with us:
Alleluia! (x3)
foreshadowing the Spirit’s overshadowing of the Virgin soil.
O Hosea marry, Amos warn,
Habakkuk look upon the vision,
and let the whole company cry out with us:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos XI
Rule us, protect us, hear our prayers, O Child not yet
born, Ancient of Days. We have arisen to plead before the stony mountain; hear
us O hills; open up the cave into which we might pour our cries to the one
Micah sees in Bethlehem ,
and says:
Hail! Offshoot of the house of Ephrata.
Hail! Ruler ofIsrael .
Hail! Whose goings out are from age to age.
Hail! Who waits upon the woman to give birth.
Hail! Who awaits the return of your brethren.
Hail! Father of the sons ofIsrael .
Hail! Feeder of the flock.
Hail! Majesty of the Name.
Hail! Gatherer of the bruised.
Hail! Reigning fromMount
Zion .
Hail! Who make smallBethlehem
Hail! Lord of Hosts, speaking in the silent cave.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Ruler of
Hail! Whose goings out are from age to age.
Hail! Who waits upon the woman to give birth.
Hail! Who awaits the return of your brethren.
Hail! Father of the sons of
Hail! Feeder of the flock.
Hail! Majesty of the Name.
Hail! Gatherer of the bruised.
Hail! Reigning from
Hail! Who make small
Hail! Lord of Hosts, speaking in the silent cave.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion XI
Who speaks through unclean Barlaam’s lips?
The Holy Spirit proclaims Jacob’s fair houses,
and the shady groves ofIsrael ,
the gardens, the river
to which shall come, following the star he saw,
Barlaam’s Magi heirs through whom we gentiles now sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
The Holy Spirit proclaims Jacob’s fair houses,
and the shady groves of
to which shall come, following the star he saw,
Barlaam’s Magi heirs through whom we gentiles now sing:
Alleluia! (x3)
Oikos XII
A day is coming, says Zechariah, when the Lord himself
shall go forth and fight, shall stand upon the Mount of Olives before
Jerusalem, and on that day shall He be proclaimed king over all the earth. That
day now dawns and the little Child leads his army of shepherds and his hosts of
angels to sing with us:
Hail! Who hurls the wealth of Tyre into the sea.
Hail! Encamped among the remnant ofJudah .
Hail! Who calls the daughter ofZion
to rejoice.
Hail! Riding triumphant upon the foal.
Hail! Who cuts off the chariot from Ephraim.
Hail! Whose colt turns back the warhorse fromJerusalem .
Hail! Your dominion is from sea to sea.
Hail! You rule from the River to the ends of the earth.
Hail! Blood of the covenant.
Hail! Freedom of captives from the waterless pit.
Hail! Whose grain makes the young men flourish.
Hail! Whose wine restores the maidens.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Hail! Encamped among the remnant of
Hail! Who calls the daughter of
Hail! Riding triumphant upon the foal.
Hail! Who cuts off the chariot from Ephraim.
Hail! Whose colt turns back the warhorse from
Hail! Your dominion is from sea to sea.
Hail! You rule from the River to the ends of the earth.
Hail! Blood of the covenant.
Hail! Freedom of captives from the waterless pit.
Hail! Whose grain makes the young men flourish.
Hail! Whose wine restores the maidens.
Hail! New Child, being God from all eternity. (Repeat refrain.)
Kontakion XII
Your prophets stilled their voices
after Malachi foresaw Elijah’s sending.
Now the great day, the awesome day is coming
with Elijah’s birth in John, whose baptizing
will prepare the world to cry:
Alleluia! (x3)
after Malachi foresaw Elijah’s sending.
Now the great day, the awesome day is coming
with Elijah’s birth in John, whose baptizing
will prepare the world to cry:
Alleluia! (x3)
Sursa : Holy Resurrection Monastery – Saint Nazians , Wisconsin
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